Honest Information (HI)
During this Spring Revolution, at least 10 LGBTIQ people have sacrificed their life and about 50 LGBTIQ were detained. There are also some rumors (allegations) come out that LGBT detainees are being abused and humiliated in violation of human dignity.
The other liberated LGBT revolutionaries have decided to eradicate the dictatorship and discrimination against LGBTIQ people.
On April 24th, Ma Khai Khai, a transgender woman, was detained at her home for doing the posting on the Facebook page on the activity of the “Blue Shirt Day” Campaign.
According to her friend’s, she was brutally beaten by the police and soldiers to her eyebrows, stepping on her neck, touching her body, and forcing her to change the dress and wear the man’s suit.
Similarly, In Shan State, a feminine gay made banging to the pot/pan every night but was arrested by police and soldiers. They forced that feminine gay to shout very loud “ Yout Kyar (I am a Man)” until his voice became tougher.
The Minister of Human Rights Ministry by National Unity Government (NUG), U Aung Myo Min said “In this Spring Revolution, LGBTIQ are getting united for getting back the pro-democracy. We need to respect their active movement for pro-democracy and we need to break down the discriminatory acts against the Human Rights of LGBTIQ People for coming federal democracy. Let us all work together to create a future that sees people as human beings.”
We all need to work together for having a better future where there is no human rights violation regardless of sex, gender, and race in the country, he continues.
LGBTIQ people have been facing so many challenges and hardships during the spring revolution but they are holding their beliefs to keep fighting without giving up besides they are very ready to demolish every single dictator in this country for having back the democracy.
Rhyine, is an LGBTIQ Rights Advocate and he has been involving to end the military coup but he has been moving everywhere to protect himself since he started his condemnation to end the military coup in Burma.
“I am an intellectual worker and I have been working for the development of LGBTIQ People in Burma. That is why I will be speaking out louder what the real situation on the ground of Burma. And I hope it would be helpful for our pro-democracy movement” Rhyine said.
LGBTIQ people said they hope that there would no longer have LGBTIQ based violence in Burma if the military juntas are abolished, besides LGBTIQ people would be recognized with Human Dignity as well as the diverse minorities and ethnic groups would have equal rights in the coming future of the federal democracy system.
LGBTQs were involved in the strike every day till it was a crackdown; they took the role to protect the peaceful protestors against the violent action of the Military Junta. Unfortunately, some peaceful protestors were arrested and some peaceful protestors have to move to a safe place.
“I need to do another plan so I have the thought that I can’t give a chance to them to arrest me. So I always think about what I can do. So, I made connections with lawyers who voluntarily help the arrested people. And I could manage to be volunteering for providing the legal assistant” said Ma Yu Myat Mon.
Ma Yu Myat Mon continues and said, “ I will go to the ethnic army group to learn and fight back. If either I face to have an arrest or warrant with 505 (a) or I feel unsafe. And I will take the guns if I need to, because I have already decided. ”
Similar to Ma Yu Myat Mon, during the spring revolution, most LGBT people are fighting to end the military dictatorship from everywhere. LGBT people have been involved in strikes since the beginning of February, and also joined the Defense Forces after the military crackdown on demonstration.
“I have already prepared to sacrifice my life in this revolution. And I will fight till the end of the dictatorship.” Isabella Kyaw said.
She even faced the family’s eviction for her deep involvement in the revolution.
“My family said to get out from home, if I do this activity so I got myself evicted from my family. I had not even known where to go until I rented a car. ” Isabella Kyaw added “I have no regrets on what I am doing now because I am so proud of myself for participating in the revolution,”
“I do not want the superior class and I also did not expect it but I just hope for equal opportunities, “said Isabella Kyaw.